Thursday, January 17, 2013

By Luciana Mascarenhas
After a marvelous and rainy time in Paraty, a great visit to Angra nuclear power plants and a brief day in Rio, we’re coming back to São Paulo. I can’t believe that in just three days I’ll have to say goodbye to these wonderful people and return to my reality.

The course has been great in many ways. I’ve learned a lot about energy generation, and now I have more property to say that Brazil is heading towards more wind and nuclear power, more big hydroelectric dams, and, as soon as solar energy becomes more competitive, I’m sure it will become another of our country’s energy source. We’ve had visits that one only can dream about, like Angra I, II and III, boat ride in Billings reservoir, tram ride along Henry Borden’s pipes, the National Operator System (ONS) and the Energetic Research Company (EPE).
But what’s making this course unforgettable are the people. We’re having the opportunity to create bonds and straighten the ones that already existed. We’re showing Harvard students the Brazil we know, and some can’t wait to come back. We have fun every night, and every free minute we spend talking and getting to know each other.

I hope these friendships don’t end here, and that we can collaborate with our universities. I’m gonna miss everyone! Vou sentir saudades!

Luciana Mascarenhas is a 5th-year undergraduate in Environmental Engineering at Poli-USP.