Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Layla Nunes Lambiasi
My experience with this year's Collaborative Course Harvard SEAS/Poli-USP couldn't have been better. During 10 days I had the opportunity to meet interesting people, to discover new places and learn more about my own city. The site visits and lectures were all very relevant bringing up the many problems of big cities such as São Paulo. These issues give students from different courses, an overview of how  to address the challenges of the future. From the transportation system, water management to energy supply, we understood how many of these structures works and how we can try to make it more sustainable.Throughout the activities we had the chance to discuss all these questions with professionals and professors and to be engaged in many enriching debates. One of the best things about this experience was the friends I've made and the moments we shared, looking at São Paulo through their eyes definitely changed the way I see my city.
Jahred Liddie
Harvard College, Class of 2016
S.B. in Environmental Science
and Engineering

Jahred is a student writer at the Harvard Office for Sustainability and recently wrote an article about the course. Check it out at the link below!
