Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Luis Strengari 5th year
It’s been 7 days since the collaborative course started and this opportunity is extremely unique and important to me. All the site visits and lectures are putting together many different concepts, ideas and rich debates – with lots of questions!

One of my favorite site visits was at the CGE/CET - Emergency Management Center, which is responsible for the forecast and weather monitoring of the São Paulo city. It was great to see that my city is really trying to manage flood and save people’s lives. The lecture and site visit regarding green infrastructure were also remarkable to me because I did not know that we already have this type of solution in SP for flood mitigation.

Another interesting thing about the course is how it brings the opinions and perspectives from people involved in different areas, with diverse expertise. Engineers, architects, politicians, and businesses might have completely opposite positioning in subjects such as urban planning and mobility, and that is why I think the debates are so important.

Luis with Nick, Mayra and Eloi
I feel extremely honored to have met the brilliant (crazy) Harvard students and faculty members. I hope this is just the beginning of a strong and solid alliance between the schools and students. I am having a great time, thanks for everything!